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2016年湖南省普通高中学业水平模拟考试 英语参考答案及评分标准

2016年04月27日 17:04:09 访问量:556



第一部分 听力技能(共两节,满分20分

15 ABBCB                             610 ACAAC                              1115 CABAB

1620 BBBAB

第二部分 阅读技能(共两节,满分30分)

2124  BCCC                               2528  CAAD                            2932  BACA

3335  BAD

第三部分 知识运用(共三节,满分25分)

3640  BCDAC                 4145  ADCDB

46. the                             47. sleeping                            48. and                            49. animals                            50. their

51. is                            52. close                                          53. will use              54. because                            55. amazing


56. The student that we saw him just now is the best runner in our school.               56. him

57. Cathy has made great progress in English under the help of her teacher.                57.with

58. He looked around to see that had happened behind him.                                                         58. what             

59. Susan will eighteen years old next month.                                                                                                  59. be

60. Going to a British high school for a year was a exciting experience for me.              60. an



第四部分 写作技能 (共两节,满分25分)

61. 我想要评价你们的文章《完美的复制》

62. I am in complete agreement with human cloning


64. She was beautiful cheerful and bright.



第四档2.0分 译文内容完整,语言形式正确;

第三档1.5分 译文内容较完整,语言形式错误不多;

第二档1.0分 译文内容不完整,语言形式错误较多;

第一档0.5—0分 写了个别词语或基本没有作答。

66.  One possible version

Dear Peter,
     I’m writing to tell you something about our party. To make more students know about and love Chinese culture, I will hold a party in the meeting hall of our school on January 27th. The party will start at 2:30 p.m.. A lot of interesting and wonderful performances will be given by us students, such as songs, dances, and wushu. My classmates and I will also perform some crosstalk, which, you know, is a traditional Chinese form of comedy.
     Since you are interested in Chinese culture, we would like to invite you to watch our performances. We are looking forward to seeing you in our party.
 Li Ping

满分15分。其中内容占12分,形式占3分,按档计分:第13-15分 文章内容完整,语言形式正确;第10—12分 文章内容较完整,语言形式错误不多;第79分 文章内容不完整,语言形式错误较多;第3-5分 写了个别句子或者词语;第一档0-3分,只写了个别单词或者没有作答。






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